Tuesday 18 March 2014

SERVER variables script Name

php server variable
$_SERVER variables script name in php programming language. $_SERVER is predefined variable in php. $_SERVER is predefined set of environmental information and it allows you to access information about page the user requests send for example. In this tutorial we will look at file name and how we can useful to us. As $_SERVER is much like $_POST or $_SESSION. What we do if we want to echo out or display to user the current file name of the php script that we are working. Now you don't had necessary everyday application because you know user can already see the file name in address bar. $_SERVER can be useful for us when we are submitting forms.

Code for $_SERVER variable script Name in php (Screenshot1):-

server variable script name
Server Variable Script Name Screenshot1


$script_name = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];

echo $script_name;


Output (Screenshot2):-

server variables Script Name

In this example we are echo out the user of  scripting file name of php of own. $_SERVER variable will have key such as SCRIPT_NAME it will take script name to variable. Now we had variable $script_name which we using for $_SERVER which is predefined variable SCRIPT_NAME key inside $_SERVER is the environmental information that we are echoing out to the user.Now where it is useful now example we are submitting form and we don't know file name which user current on.

Code for $_SERVER variable script name in php 

index.php (Screenshot3):-

Server Variables Script Name
Index.php Screenshot3


include 'header.inc.php';

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {

	echo 'Process 1';



anotherpage.php (Screenshot4):-

server variables Script Name


include 'header.inc.php';

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {

	echo 'Process 2';



header.ini.php (Screenshot5):-

server variables Script Name
Header.ini.php Screenshot5


$script_name = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];


<form action="<?php echo $script_name; ?>"> method = "POST">

<input type="submit" value="Submit">



server variables Script Name
server variables Script Name
Server Variables Script Name
server variables Script Name
In this example we had created dynamic submitting form. As you can see header.ini.php had a html from with us. which had action of $_SERVER variable which will identify if user is on index.php page it will echo by submit button process 1 and when user is on anotherpage.php it will echo by submit button process 2. As you see example we had used include function which we had already seen in previous  articles. Now $_SERVER variable will generate dynamic to form what ever page we are it will return that page url. As you can see in Screenshot6 and Screenshot7.

In Screenshot6 and Screenshot7 we are view Source of browser in which you can see it generate url in place of $_SERVER variable in both pages can notice address bar link and form action link.

In screenshot8 and screenshot9 You can see it works on page index.php echo out process 1 and on page anotherpage.php its shows echo out process 2 link of the page is coming from same form and its generating link of one form at both pages dynamically.

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Mohammed Padela



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