Monday 10 February 2014

Php Configuration file

Php.ini file. Now ini file or any file we pronounce them i say them because i identity each character its a configuration file. As soon as we see file php.ini we automatically we know that its our php configuration file. lets open and see some features inside and how we can change out php installation. Now what is php configuration file is where we could find this i will open it in my text editor and will see some of features inside and how we change things about our php installation. I will saw you screenshots of php.ini files you will see different things which are useful inside of your php.ini file because lots of php problems you will realized later when you will coding actually comes from your setting. In path C:\xampp\php\php.ini you can see screenshot

php configuration
where we find php.ini. Now apache,php is package we installed xampp. Screenshot is the file php.ini.
Php ini File
Php ini File
When we open this file you will see warning, about php.ini. Now its very important by default php installs itself for configuration stbof for development purposes and not for production purposes. Now what that means is php is a default installation php.ini. Php.ini files had lots of security and accepts in this php.ini file. In php.ini standard index is define with semi-colon (;).  The php.ini is may be process by php and lets go down scroll file little bit. If you want to change any setting in php.ini file some value after saving file you should restart apache and mysql from control panel so setting should be saved in configurations files and works properly. If you had time just read php.ini files you will be having knowledge about what php features package we use in our coding. It will be help you in the future.

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Mohammed Padela



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