Sunday 9 February 2014

What Is PHP Programming

what is PHP Programming? Firstly i will teach you what is PHP? Why should you use it? Php code is internally interpreted by the web-server and it compiles on the server side. The source code of the applications is visible only in the html language so, no one is able to copy the php code. Therefore php codes can’t be hacked easily. Basically, it is used to prepare dynamic content on websites. There are PHP official website which are php . You can get more information by following this site. Now lets take a brief overview here.

What is php programming
What is Php Programming
Go over to php , you can get information about php as well as latest news. So, we get description about what is php? The great thing of php is it provides extensive documentation through which we can easily understand. From these site, you can download the documentation and functions which you search for. It describes information about functions, different types of arguments with proper examples.

Why is Php Better Than Other Programming Languges
Why is Php Better Than Other Programming Languges
Some of the websites using php and why they use it?

Best example :- Facebook


The code for facebook has been written in php language only. It is the popular social – networking website having lots of data stored in their database. So, we combine php with the database system such as MySQL. In these tutorials, i have used MySQL for data management because it is one of the widely used and powerful database around us or we can say fastest database around. So, MySQL is appropriate to be used with php for storing and managing data. Facebook which is one of the social networking website takes advantage of php as a whole.
This is an overview of the php, so if you think to start following this tutorial that i have created, you can begin to start creating dynamic websites and also realize that php is easy. Little fundamentals of any object oriented programming inside php is more difficult because some people get to struggle with object oriented programming. So, we do have the object oriented programming functionality within php and its added in php version 5 in year 2004.

Let See How Php Works

How php Works
How Php Works

How php Works so from your pc or laptop you make a page request across the web and that arrives at data center some were which could be in UK it could be in Europe or It could be in america or in Asia some where It doesn't matter where it is because your request will be deliver there. The actual hardware software runs on it is called Web-server.  Actual Software the web-server works Apache web-server  is a software one of the most common the most common web-server. So, Apache intercept the web-server page it says ok you wanna page i will built it for you. Firstly  i  it retrieve html page or it can be called php page but the page will be combination of php and html programming language. So, It retrieve files from the file system. Apache had a php plugin and it uses the php plugin to replace code with results running the code. So, example would be Mysql database php code may retrieve list of summer's or list of summing event's example what ever data you had stored want to extract from the database by php plugin it will retrieve data and output you the results. So this is sort brief overview of how php works

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Welcome to Extra Tutorials! My name is Mohammed and I am the 22 year writer, website developer, and photographer behind the blog. Thanks for visiting! Tutorials Jackpot… In addition to Developer, I love to develop websites and I love to write. Starting a php Blog was inevitable for me. What began as a simple way to share all of my Tutorials with friends and family has developed into my Part time job.

Mohammed Padela



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