Thursday 13 February 2014

Embedding PHP Inside HTML

Embedding PHP Inside HTML
Embedding PHP Inside HTML
This is a tutorial i am going to talking about embedding PHP Inside HTML. Now embedding is paying something within something embedding insides. lets see example

Code for simple html form with php file extension (screenshot1):-

Code For Simple Html From With Php File Extension Screenshot1
<input type="text" value=" Hello World.">

output (Screenshot2) :-

Embedding PHP Inside HTML
you will see a small text-box with echo hello world. Now in another example i will embedding php code with html by using variables of php and in values of html form i will use standard variable for string lets see how it will happens

Code for embedding PHP Inside Html (Screenshot3):-

Code for embedding PHP Inside Html
                         Code for embedding PHP Inside Html Screenshot3

$text = 'Hello World.';
<input type="text" value="<?php echo $text; ?>">

Output (Screenshot4):-

Embedding PHP Inside HTML
In Advance php you have to use dynamic forms and so its good example for start-up  now in this $text is the variable which is string Hello world. and in html code we had called $text which is string Hello world. its pretty easy. variables also use in database , static text etc. Its very useful in php. variables are declared with ($) sign. and at end use “;”. and when you write php code u can write in one line or multiple line there is same effects. for example

you can use this code also for same result (screenshot4) :-

$text = 'hello world.';
<input type="text" value="<?php
echo $text;

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Mohammed Padela



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