Monday 10 February 2014

Phpinfo function

phpinfo function
Phpinfo Function
The phpinfo function. We should detailed look to php installation so for example you may go later to look at GD library. Its a Image generate Images using its command-set its addition to php may not be included in original php installation. If some one ask you did you had kernel or GD images installed. You should know what its is its a Different library for php. You need to find a way to check every think in php installation and general information about php version some one must ask you or need to find out which version of php you using and different features of php version works with updated php version. Different features of php works with different versions of php. You must using older version of php and could not get some advantages of php updated features. so should check updated version. This stuff you can find out by phpinfo() function.So to call function its relatively simple Within php tags write phpinfo(); () Its a standard notation for calling function. Its a built-in function of php which is built ed in directory ofinstallations files.

Codes To Write phpinfo function :-

Code Phpinfo Function
Code PhpInfo Function

Output For Phpinfo Function

Phpinfo function
Output PhpInfo function Php

We can see php version 5.2.9 in output as you scroll down you will see many things enabled and all. Its a list of collection of our php installation  its having information about php core, apache , apache environmental  ftp support and many other stuff. Also gd libaray gd version and its also linked in apache. One thing you should always remember this file should not be upload on your server its available on your local machine. If you upload this file on server had change to hack your website. phpinfo file had lots of information about out php installation on our local machine from that data anyone can harm your files. If you had such file on server should delete it for security purpose.So phpinfo had an information about your php package.

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Mohammed Padela



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