Tuesday 11 February 2014

Echo Statement in php

Echo statement
Echo Statement
Echo Statement php programming Languages. This is a tutorial about Echo Statement. Echo Statement is not function. In php the two basic constructs to get output are echo and print. print statement will see in next tutorial. Echo is language constructs within php that allows us to output data string to the user browser. Its allows us to output basically on the screen.

Echo Statement code (Screenshot) :-

echo statement
Echo Statement

echo 'Hello world';

In screenshot is the example for how we can use echo statement and the output screenshot. Now we can also use html tags in php for example

Output (screenshot):-

Echo Statement
Output Echo Statement

In example of code we had echo statement after echo we can use single quotation mark(‘) or double quotation mark(”) and you will learn about this when, why and where you should use quotation marks. Basically Double quotation mark allows you to output variables inside program before that you should know what are variables are. But this tutorial is about echo i am not going in so detail later on this will explain in detail. and semi colon (;) is used to end of the line in echo statement and also separator for two echo statements used one by another otherwise we can get some errors for example see Screenshot1 and Screenshot2.

echo statement

echo statement

html tags in php code (screenshot 5) :-

html tags in php


echo "<strong>Hello world.</strong>";

output screenshot 6:-

Echo Statement
In this example you had idea how we can use html tags in php. And also Echo statement uses for echoing output to the browser.

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Mohammed Padela



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