Tuesday 25 February 2014

Comparison operators in Php

Comparison Operators php
This tutorial is about Comparison Operators.Now “Comparison Operator” is basically to compare one or more values. We can compare any amount of values in a single statement.In this tutorial we will compare three values via demonstration.Now for this example, we are going to use “if statement” , I had shown you example about If Statement in my previous tutorials .

code for if Statement Condition true (Screenshot1):-

comparison operators in php
$number1 = 10;
$number2 = 9;
if (true) {
echo 'inside.';

Output (Screenshot2) :-

if statement condition ture
In this code, condition evaluates either true or false. If I write true it will execute it and inside the browser it will display it and if I will write false it will not execute inner side of “if statement” example.

code for if Statement Condition false (Screenshot3):-

comparison operators in php
$number1 = 10;
$number2 = 9;

if (false) {

echo 'inside.';



output (Screenshot4) :-

comparison operators in php
In this code it automatically evaluates “False” by false keyword. Now its same as we do 1==1. It just contain “double equal to” sign to compare variables. Now always remember when we assign values we use single equal sign (=) and in comparison we use double equal to sign (==) for comparing two variables.

Code for comparison operators Example (Screenshot5):-

Comparison operators in php
$number1 = 10;
$number2 = 9;
if (1==1) {
echo 'inside.';

Output (Screenshot6):-

comparison operators in php
In this example we are comparing variables such as number one is equal to number one, condition is true so,it will echo out the result as you seen in screenshot6.

Code for comparison operators Example (Screenshot7):-

Comparison Operators In php
$number1 = 10;
$number2 = 9;
if (1==2) {
echo 'inside.';

Output (Screenshot8):-

Comparison operators in php

In this example number one is not equal to number two then it will evaluate false condition and will not echo out anything as result as u seen in (screenshot 8).
Other Comparison Operators Examples

Code for comparison operators Example (Screenshot9):-

comparison operators example
$number1 = 10;
$number2 = 9;
if (1!=2) {
echo 'inside.';

output (Screenshot10):-

comparison operators in php
In this example we are using exclamation mark (!) which means not number one is not(!) equal to number two, then it evaluates true which will echo out as result.

Code for comparison operators Example (Screenshot11):-

comparison operators in php
Comparison Operators Screenshot11
$number1 = 10;
$number2 = 9;
if (1!=1) {
echo 'inside.';

output (Screenshot12):-

comparison operators
In this example we are using exclamation mark (!) which means not number one is not(!) equal to number one, then it evaluates false which will echo out as result.

Code for comparison operators Example (Screenshot13):-

comparison operators
$number1 = 10;
$number2 = 9;
if($number1>$number2) {
echo 'Yes.';
}else {
echo 'No.';

Output Screenshot14

Comparison Operators In php
In this example we are using greater than(>) and smaller than(<)comparison operators. Now in this example, condition is if number1 is greater then number 2 then echo out yes or else no, but condition is true so it will echo out yes.
Now Try Some Examples with yourself giving you code copy and paste see results :-

Code for Example 1 (Screenshot15):-

comparison operators in php


$number1 = 10;

$number2 = 9;

if($number1<$number2) {

echo 'Yes.';

}else {

echo 'No.';



Code for Example 2 (Screenshot16):-

comparison operators


$number1 = 10;

$number2 = 9;

if($number1>=$number2) {

echo 'Yes.';

}else {

echo 'No.';



Code for Example 3 (Screenshot17):-

php code

Code for Example 4 (Screenshot18):-

code php tutorials

Code for Example 5 (Screenshot19):-

php operators
Now comparison operators are very important when you work dynamically on website. For example, you want to submit form to check whether password is correct or not

Code for comparison operators (Screenshot20) :-

check password

Output (Screenshot21):-

php tutorials
In this example we are matching password is correct or incorrect so, you can see its pretty easy and very useful to check conditions are whether True or False.In this, it will evaluate true as it matches variable values.

Code for comparison operators (Screenshot22) :-

password php

output (Screenshot23):-

password incorrect
It will mismatch condition and evaluate false and will echo out incorrect .

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Welcome to Extra Tutorials! My name is Mohammed and I am the 22 year writer, website developer, and photographer behind the blog. Thanks for visiting! Tutorials Jackpot… In addition to Developer, I love to develop websites and I love to write. Starting a php Blog was inevitable for me. What began as a simple way to share all of my Tutorials with friends and family has developed into my Part time job.

Mohammed Padela



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