Monday 10 February 2014

Code Indentation in php

Code Indentation in php programming languages. Now this tutorial i will explain what is code indentation is and why it is used ? For example see Screenshot now this file works perfectly. Now Screenshot is output of file shown in screenshot. In screenshot Output is You’re Over 21 Yes,1 is equal to 1! Now lets see code part in screenshot If name is equal to alex it will run part

Code Unintended :-
Code Unintended
Code Unintended
php output

$age = 21;
if(strtolower($name)==='alex') {
if($age=21) {
echo 'You\'re over 21';
if(1===1) {
echo'yes, 1 is equal to 1!';
}else {
echo 'You\re' not Alex';

and If we change name is equal to Dale Screenshot

Changing name to dale
Output will be You’re Not alex! Screenshot
php code output
Output will be You’re Not alex!

It will run lower part of the code


echo 'you\'re not Alex!';


Now problem is in this code there is not code indentation therefore its hard to say where if statement starts and when if statement is close and where is else statement is. So we Need to do modification to program. It will be lot harder if we not do code indentation. Now you seen in screenshot1 its a 14 lines of program or script you can say imagine if we have 14 thousand line program or scripts and we do not used indentation. you can imagine how  messy it look. Now let we write code in proper manner.

Code Indentation Code (ScreenShot) :-

Code Indentation
Code Indentation
$age = 21;
if(strtolower($name)==='alex') {
   if($age=21) {
     echo 'You\'re over 21';
     if(1===1) {
     echo'yes, 1 is equal to 1!';
}else {
echo 'You\re' not Alex';
Now in this code what i had done is after first if statement i had done code indentation or second if statement inside second ifstatement i had code indentation to third if statement. Now you can see view of code indentation how its change look of the file. So always use code indentation to you code. its a standard methods to write codes. Its very important when you distributing code or you need other people to read code. you may understand it works and it may be work in fact but others can not understand and its also difficult to make quick modification to your code without code indentation.

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Welcome to Extra Tutorials! My name is Mohammed and I am the 22 year writer, website developer, and photographer behind the blog. Thanks for visiting! Tutorials Jackpot… In addition to Developer, I love to develop websites and I love to write. Starting a php Blog was inevitable for me. What began as a simple way to share all of my Tutorials with friends and family has developed into my Part time job.

Mohammed Padela



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