Sunday 9 February 2014

Installing Xampp Part -2

This Is Tutorials From Tutorials Jackpot. So once it is downloaded. You have to go through installation process and hope if you get any errors you can go to an Xampp and see you can find any support instructions to follow. So, hope now you had installed Xampp. Now open up something we called Xampp control panel application. What Xampcontrol panel is ? What they say is its a control panel for your services that are included in Xampp. I am not sure what version i am actually running at the moment. In this tutorial, its older version for you because its 2011. When i write this tutorial for you and your control panel looks different. Control panel is available from your programs menu within window, open it and you must see apache and MySQL are running in your control panel. In most cases you use apache and for database you will use MySQL. You can see the screenshot  Xampp Control Panel

Xampp Control Panel
Xampp Control Panel
control panel
Xampp Control Panel
n screenshot 1, apache and MySQL services is running and in screenshot 2 apache and MySQL services are not running. You must start by clicking the start button available in control panel application of Xampp and if you want to stop this apache and MySQL services just click same button which is shown in screenshot 1 i.e stop button. Now both services are running as we can see in screenshot 2 i.e Apache started port [port 80] and MySQL started port [port 3306]. Now to access apache and a file that we are creating in Php. This is pretty simple with MySQL, you can be using a web-application code phpmyadmin and this is link of Xampp. Now, phpmyadmin for startup is a database system you may heard about, If not go to Google search about it see what result it shows to you. You don't need to download phpmyadmin because already it is the link with Xampp. So first thing we have to do is to test that over web-server is active now. You don’t want to type any dynamic ip or anything in your web-browser. What we want to do is we want to be typing localhost. Just simply the localhost and enter and you will see the view shown in screenshot 3. If you got screen out it will show you congratulations message that you have successfully installed Xampp on the server on this system so this remind that Xampp is installed. Now you can access the ip address, it entirely depends upon you. But i prefer to use localhost that’s why i am using localhost in my entire tutorial. Now you see at side in screenshot3 in side-panel status, security, documentation, components, phpinfo(), biorhythm. So now we have successfully Xampp is installed. So now we start creating php files for running in Xampp.

Now look at in tools phpmyadmin. phpmyadmin is adminstration of your database. You can open through screenshot3 tools >phpmyadmin or direct link localhost/phpmyadmin or are option to go to the databasephpmyadmin so that also works successfully. So hopefully, Xampp as running in next chapter i will show you where to put php file to run at localhost in Xampp. And this was a brief details about  Installing Xampp Part -2


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Welcome to Extra Tutorials! My name is Mohammed and I am the 22 year writer, website developer, and photographer behind the blog. Thanks for visiting! Tutorials Jackpot… In addition to Developer, I love to develop websites and I love to write. Starting a php Blog was inevitable for me. What began as a simple way to share all of my Tutorials with friends and family has developed into my Part time job.

Mohammed Padela



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